I hope you find something here to interest you.

The posts on this blog are random, diverse subjects

and mostly my own original writing.

Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me*.

I am open to suggestions for further subject matter.

Respectfully Yours,

Wendy Salter

AVIA is ‘Grandmother‘ in Latin  and my Medicine Name is ‘Grandmother-Green-Grass’.

I am a Pilgrim of the Unseen Path in a Quest to find my Starting Place.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place (and our self) for the first time.”

T. S. Elliot

Published in: on February 4, 2011 at 7:53 pm  Comments (1)  
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*The Great Bell Chant

“May the sound of this Bell penetrate deep into the Cosmos, even in the darkest spots,

Living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them can cease.

Understanding comes into their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death.

The Universal Dharma Door is already open, the sound of the rising tide is heard clearly; the miracle happens:

A beautiful child appears in the heart of the lotus flower.

A single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.

Listen to the Bell: I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve; my mind calm; my body relaxed.

A smile is born on my lips, following the sound of the Bell.

My breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness in the gardens of my heart.

The Flowers of Peace bloom beautifully.”

Published in: on December 11, 2022 at 12:42 pm  Leave a Comment  
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*The Women who wrote…

Sappho, Greek poet in 650-590 BCE, was worshipped by the ancient world, and an anecdote tells us how Solon the Wise once heard one of her poems and asked to immediately learn it. When asked what the rush was he answered: “Learn this and then die”.

Plato called her the tenth muse.

Sadly, there is not much to find from these ladies-of-words who lived in times gone by. Many perished at the hands of the harsh censorship in that period of history. As Jone Johnson Lewis writes (link below), only fragments of their original papers, or brief mentions in other people’s writing, tell us of their existence and works.

None of these ladies-of-words are held up as interesting or useful commenters on the philosophical, scientific or politico-socio matters of their day, and all are described as ‘poets’ who cover the subject of romance and dreamings, and little else.

I wondered on this, and could see that their thoughts were not valued possibly because they were not in charge of the publications or educations of the mostly male literate groups. But what have we missed from these writers?

Writing itself requires the skills of alphabets and languages, apart from the dexterity for holding a tool to write, and as the majority of people are right-handed, this suggests a left-brain application. Whether the right-handedness of humans is a natural skill, or one that was initiated and perpetuated by scholars, we may never know, but it’s the brain I am interested in, and where that can take us in understanding the mind, which I suggest is something different.

In more modern times, where women have freedom to write in anyway they wish, we find the male and female divide gets very blurred. Writing is essentially a left-brain function. It requires focussed thought, following a learned skill, using sequences and constructs, and an education in both language and grammar. But that’s only the mechanical side of things.

What comes through the pen, or key-board, can be such a variety of subjects, that I suggest the right-brain must be brought into view. To write a scientific journal requires a mental copy-and-past process, unless the author is an entrepreneur of radical research, in which case he, or she, will be up against all sorts of problems, like peer-review, acceptance from the accepted establishments and criticism from the hierarchy of scholars that came before. It is extremely hard to bring new scientific thought into the world, as many can attest.

Creative writing, on the other hand, (aha, a clue!) requires an ability to go where none has gone before, and under the title of ‘fiction’ – i.e. ‘not true’ – just about anything can be written. However, it requires an imaginative mind, an expansive visionary skill that can dream up a myriad of images, characters, locations and story-lines. This is where the right brain is in its element. Unrestricted by sequencing, rationality, logic and accepted views, the creative mind can leave the universe or skip across multi-dimensional realities, and even make complete gobbledygook or outright lies into an accomplished work of art. There are no bounds and no rules in fiction and it is a rollercoaster ride in emotions, diverse thoughts, make-believe and mystery.

Poetry is a form of literary art that needs some specific skill of its own. It requires the juxtaposition of the freedom of the imaginative mind on one side, and the discipline of an ordered form on the other. Poetry is a literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. It requires a knowledge of the workings of the human being and its psyche – its soul-mind – and the innate observations of the poet. I suspect that this needs a co-operation between the left and right brain. Poetry is very often used to express a spiritual perspective in relation to another and deep personal experiences.

I wonder if these hardly remembered female poets of the ancient, classical world intuitively tapped into a mental experience that was closer to the human soul, and an even more ancient past when the whole-soul-mind, the whole-brain, could experience our existence from more than just a self-oriented, rational, material point of view.

To pull ideas and visions ‘out of the ether’, the Mind must be able to travel out of the body, away from the body’s brain, in an altered state of consciousness that transcends the mundane world, and then to bring those transcendental images, insights and revelations back to the brain to process this information into understandable, applicable knowledge. Gnosis is a Greek word that means knowledge, but the true esoteric gnosis was to gain an inner-knowing, or intuition, about our connection with the outer world. Thus, the teachings of the Buddha gave us the means to still the ‘monkey-mind’, or left-brain chatter, find the still silence within, then open the inner eye to receive the in-pouring multi-universe, through the right-brain. In meditation practices we can retrieve our ability to envision, to know and to be.

By living only in the left-brain of our artificially intelligent world, the human being remains a puppet-slave to the master-controllers – those who can steal and manipulate the human mind, having closed down the right brain through fear and brain-washing and trained the left brain to comply, robot-like, to the command prompts of neuro-linguistic programming. Our political, religious and educational systems manage this expertly. Sensory overload on 2-dimensional screens hypnotise the human into a state of zombie-like inactivity, while embedding the symbolic dog-and-pony show with symbolic carrot-and-stick.

Sappho was a noble woman, a wife and mother, and lived at the time of Solon, the grandfather of Plato, who discovered the lost history of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest. These times were rich with scholarly people who had a living memory of a time when our ancestors perished in a global catastrophe. Solon the Wise once heard one of her poems and asked to immediately learn it. When asked what the rush was he answered: “Learn this and then die” What did he mean? Were Sappho’s words so poignant that they could fulfil a man’s yearning for knowledge? What knowledge could that have been? The nature of the whole-soul and its capacity to LOVE?

Listen to the distant call of the women who wrote…

Their poems were about matters of the heart – spiritual aspirations, feelings, emotions and relationships, love – those higher ideals in life that make it worth living.

Wendy Salter,

inspired by Lewis, Jone Johnson. “Women Writers of the Ancient World.” ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/ancient-women-writers-3530818.

Published in: on October 4, 2020 at 9:02 pm  Leave a Comment  
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*Darshan with Papaji



Published in: on February 12, 2020 at 11:09 pm  Leave a Comment  

*Man’s Dominion…

I have often wondered about the power a mis-translation can have.

The ‘Book’, which was written by various people in various languages, both colloquial and parochial, over various periods in history, with various meanings both literal and metaphorical, and was then translated by numerous scholars, again, at numerous times, and then copied by numerous scribes in dubious scripts, and finally compiled by a select few, eliminating untold numbers of texts, and then edited according to their personal tastes and purposes, only to be translated into innumerable languages by schools of translators, to be distributed for modern consumption and finally published by royal decree and presented as a work of legal fact (the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth) and moreover, a divine revelation, that we must all refer to and live by daily, without question, has to have untold mis-translations and has had enormous power to forge a destructive course of human history.

If that sentence sounds confusing, it was meant to, to convey the confusion this Book has created. The ‘narrative’ of the story-line within this Book has, I believe, led us horribly astray.

I wish to bring to our attention one entry in this Book with which most people are familiar, and many have come to question:

Genesis 1:26 – And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

This one sentence is a very questionable statement, but the word I want to question is “dominion”. Suppose, for a moment, that this word has been wrongly translated  during its metamorphosis through Sanskrit, or Hebrew, or Greek or Latin or Medieval European, or Olde Englishe.

The standard definition of ‘dominion in modern English is:

early 15c., from Old French dominion: “dominion, rule, power,” from Medieval Latin, corresponding to Latin dominium: “property, ownership,” from dominus: “lord, master”, from DOMUS: “HOUSE”

Dominion over all the earth, fish, fowl and cattle, and every creeping thing, does not suggest to me an absolute right to use everything on this planet for human consumption, power and gain, but something a little more pastoral.

As the definition states, dominion is derived from a Latin word ‘domus’, or ‘house’, of which we can presume a man, with his wife and family, are the owners and have the right to live, or rule, as ‘master’.  To master something means to learn and become skilled in something.

Notice that the quote only mentions fish, fowl, insects and earth…not elephant, whale, pig, dog, tiger, horse, rabbit, fox, beaver…and not rocks, minerals, gems, crystals oil, water , in other words ‘The Whole Earth’, as in planet, but just the earth, or soil.

Does this suggest farming? Does it suggest a man learning and getting good at the craft of providing food for his family from the soil and sea and a cow and hens? If the word ‘dominion’ as used in the translation was only coined around the C15th, in medieval Roman France, how could this apply to the genesis of gods’ creation, in the very beginning… Surely it suggests the division of parcels of land, by the church and state, to share between the people in rural Europe so that they could farm the land and provide for their families in what we may call their ‘domain’, or home. By placing this statement in Genesis in the King James’s Bible, it has misled modern man into thinking that he has the god-given right to use and overpower and profit from (abuse) every living thing and every mineral resource on the whole planet, instructed and permitted from a Book of dubious origins, translations and mis-interpretations.

Let us write A New Narrative of Humanity:  one of self-management and responsibility with a high moral standard. One of caring and sharing, protecting and nurturing the planet we inhabit, and indeed from which we were born. We can master our skills in providing food and shelter for our families without damaging our home, Earth, and then perhaps we will truly live in the likeness of our Creators.

“And the Creators decided to create humans to be like themselves, to  make their home on Planet Earth and feed themselves from the land while enjoying the Garden they gave them.”

Published in: on April 23, 2018 at 12:19 pm  Comments (2)  
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*Cherry Tree

AVIA..............................................wendy salter



In winter, you may look at Cherry Tree

And think perhaps it’s dead,

On freezing morning, there’s no sign,

No leaf, no life therein.

Imagine the surprise to find,

When frosty fog has gone,

That winter sun gives light anew,

To melting drops of dew.

Those shafts of light, for all the world,

Make diamonds of the view.

It isn’t only when it snows,

That Cherry Tree and I,

Play snowball fights and snowmen make.

No, snow arrives again in Spring,

When sunlight’s warmth explodes the buds,

And Cherry Tree becomes a sight-

A pom-pom tree of pink delight,

In which the bees drink up the wine

And hum in unison as they dine.

Then when the blossoms give their last,

The western wind provides the force

That blows each petal from its flower,

But in a pink snow shower.

Summer long, the flowers now gone,

Usurped by…

View original post 91 more words

Published in: on April 1, 2018 at 9:18 am  Comments (1)  

*Uluru Speaks; (David Icke at Uluru)

Forget what you think you know of David Icke for a moment and listen to his true wisdom at Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia.

David’s first book was called The Truth Vibration and here he explains how it is working for the benefit of all. He describes how the World’s blueprint of information that is running continuously through the fabric of Planet Earth affects every one of us and yet it is being seriously damaged. Rock and earth, water and air, and light and sound frequencies, all carry a communication network we should all be tuned into.

Observe the reactions within yourself as you listen to David’s message from one of the greatest sacred sites on the planet. You will know if his words ring true.

*Dr Marcel Vogel and his Crystals

Written by Dan Willis

“Marcel Vogel had a genius of an inquisitive mind, that once he discovered for himself that the energies of mind could effect matter, he then went into serious scientific research. Just a few of the fundamental discoveries regarding the thought energies of mind briefly were.

That the mind can be responded to by instrumentation connected to a plant or even conductive rubber.

The inhaling and exhaling of breath is connected to the receiving and transmitting of thought information. Breath when exhaled through the nostrils in a rapid burst has the greatest degree of projecting thought.

Quartz crystals can amplify, store and transfer these energies of thought. Quartz when geometrically faceted can cohere thought to a greater harmonic degree than when formed by natural forces in nature. Such as the Cabalistic male/female structure Marcel developed.

Quartz SIO2 and Water H2O have similar tetrahedral and hexagonal geometries and resonate with the energies of mind similarly. All of the seven major crystallographic geometries found in nature can and have been exhibited in the formation of water showing that it can act as a fundamental matrix for forming all patterns in nature.

When water is structured, it’s state has changed to a liquid crystal which exhibits both the proprieties of a structured formation, similar to how ice crystals are formed, and that of a liquid. It only requires an extremely minute charge to structure water due to the polarity of the molecular configuration.
The valence bands in water around 3000 to 4000 angstroms are permanently altered after thought was pulsed into a test water sample measured on a spectrophotometer.

The structuring by thought into a cut crystal can be transferred into water by spinning the water around the crystal in a right hand spiral tube of seven turns leaving the water structured with that thought pattern that was programmed within the crystal.
When you seed a crystal it continues to replicate itself in it’s own image. Similarly a small amount of liquid that is patterned will replicated itself in a larger volume of liquid to that seeded pattern.

We are patterned after that which created us, and therefore we create. Everything hinges around suggestion, as we believe so we create.

Love is our primary responsibility and is the power in the universe that keeps matter in form.

Marcel Joseph Vogel
(1917 – 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received over 100 patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24 ” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics.

In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal. Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.


Grateful thanks to Julie Ryder, Montana Megaliths Researcher and author of Galacticfacets.com and montanamegaliths.com

*St Valentine

St. Valentine’s Day – February 14th



St. Valentine was a Roman Priest in the time of Emperor Claudius II, C3rd AD.

Claudius persecuted Christians and prohibited the marriage of young people on the hypothesis that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers, and so Father Valentine married young couples in secret.

Father Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned and tortured and one legend surrounding his actions while in prison is as follows:

“One of the men who was to judge him, in line with the Roman law at the time, was a man called Asterius, who’s daughter was blind. Alledgedly, Father Valentine prayed with and healed the young girl with such astonishing effect that Asterius himself became Christian as a result.”

In the year 269 AD, Father Valentine was sentenced to a three part execution of a beating, stoning, and finally decapitation all because of his stand for Christian marriage. The story goes that the last words he wrote were in a note to Asterius’ daughter. He inspired today’s romantic missives by signing it, “from your Valentine.”

Valentine’s martyrdom has not gone unnoticed by the general public. In fact, Whitefriars Street Church, in London, is one of three churches that claim to house the remains of Valentine. Today, many people make the pilgrimage to the church to honor the courage and memory of this Christian Saint and Father Valentine has come to be known as the patron saint of lovers.


The popular customs associated with Saint Valentine’s Day undoubtedly had their origin in a conventional belief generally held in England and France during the Middle Ages, that on 14 February, i.e. half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. Thus in Chaucer’s Parliament of Foules we read:

“For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne’s day
When every foul cometh there to choose his mate.”

For this reason the day was looked upon as specially consecrated to lovers and as a proper occasion for writing love letters and sending lovers’ tokens. Both the French and English literatures of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries contain allusions to this practice. 

In the Paston Letters, Dame Elizabeth Brews writes to her cousin about a match she hopes to make for her daughter, addressing the favoured suitor:

“And, cousin mine, upon Monday is Saint Valentine’s Day and every bird chooses himself a mate, and if it like you to come on Thursday night, and make provision that you may abide till then, I trust to God that ye shall speak to my husband and I shall pray that we may bring the matter to a conclusion.”

Shortly after the young lady herself wrote a letter to the same man addressing it:

“Unto my rightwell beloved Valentine, John Paston Esquire”.

It is a bitter-sweet day

Published in: on February 13, 2018 at 12:11 pm  Comments (4)  

*Will Humans Overpopulate Planet Earth?

When discussing a subject that affects every human on the planet, many issues raised are going to be controversial.

Who hasn’t heard someone mention ‘depopulation’ in the last few years?

Today, I heard someone state that 100 years ago there was ONE BILLION people on the planet. The first problem with this statement is, how do we know that, when we didn’t have electrical communications that we have today. And many places were still unexplored. Perhaps they were talking about the ‘civilised peoples’ who had participated in a census. 

This someone also stated that in 1918 the world’s population of only ONE BILLION was reduced by ONE HALF due to the Spanish Flu Epidemic. It is hard to imagine only half a billion people in the population when today’s estimation is at 7 AND A HALF BILLION…and rising. Estimates of 11 BILLION are being projected for 2100. 

The graph below shows quite clearly how the first increase started 3,000 years ago and then dramatically doubled 200 years ago (but doesn’t show the decimation from flu, 100 years ago), then rose unabated to its present 7.5 billion today. 

I am sceptical of statistics, but this graph does at least give an over-view of the trend. Read from left to right…

The ‘someone’ I mention has suggested several different ways the world could end tomorrow. Is this just us being prepared, being doom-and-gloomy, or a realistic projection? What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Looking at Nature, we may gain some insights. When a species over-populates it may become food for predators, it may self-consume, migrate or deplete in number due to lack of food. Some species self-regulate their reproduction, and sometimes infertility does it for them. 

What is humanity’s natural predator?  Nature’s seasons can go wrong and bring drought and famine, extreme winters or flood. Sometimes the enemy is within, with viral epidemics or war; sometimes the enemy is without, as in a global cataclysm.

What has happened in the past? This question is very seldom asked for a couple of reasons. Not many people are interested enough to inquire into the historical record, think about it, or care, keeping their heads safely buried in the sand while they go on consuming without reserve. Creationists don’t believe we have a past long enough for this problem to have been experienced before, because God’s world is only 6,000 years old, according to their narrative. The science community is divided, but most believe in a progressive time-line where population increase is exponential and this problem of over-population has not presented itself before. In this case, our demise must be  from doing something wrong ourselves, polluting the environment and causing climate problems, and draining resources, something we cannot deny. 

A vast population is a problem in itself, as it puts strains on the production of food and provisions of resources, especially fuel and minerals. Industrialisation is a short term solution to provide for the hungry host, but it is devastating, long term.

Recently, independent researchers have realised that this problem may indeed have happened before and been solved. The thin and vague evidence of the Atlantean Era does not appeal to many, but does present a possibility of a previous population of civilised humans that was advanced in technology and intellect and may have seen a high rise in population numbers, but disappeared from the surface of Earth “in one night”, along with all evidence.

The world-wide legends of a global flood, which support the Biblical story of Noah and his Ark, present one possible reason why all evidence of previous large populations has been wiped out.

Younger Dryas 10.5 to 11.5  thousand years ago (present time on the left of graph) 

New studies of what may have caused the short ice-age, called the Younger Dryas, 10.5 – 11.5 thousand years ago, have raised new theories of a world cataclysm which was unprecedented and unexpected. Landscape destruction in the Columbia Basin, the Carolina Bays, and Siberia, may present evidence of a large asteroid implosion*. The eruption of the super-volcano, Mount Toba, in Sumatra, was also a catastrophic event. These events and the ensuing Y D ice-age would significantly have decreased the population at the time.

*[See the work of Randall Carson and Graham Hancock]

There is one piece of evidence that is shining a light on this question: the ice-core samples from the Arctic regions, which show a fairly regular cycle of ICE AGES that last approximately 100,000 years, with a warm inter-glacial period lasting approximately 15,000 years, in between. It is during these warm periods that  life takes off on Planet Earth. With warmer climates and larger territories to inhabit, food production – or agriculture – takes over from just hunting and gathering, and the human population increases like lilies in the field. 

As the Ice Age comes to its natural end and the ice cap retreats, the growth of population occurs specifically on these pristine new territories, mainly in the northern hemisphere. The equatorial regions remain populated with the indigenous peoples, as before.  This demarcation line is named the Tropic of Cancer  north of the equator,and the Tropic of Capricorn, south of the equator. 

The population grows…and grows, for around 15,000 years, rising and falling at times of plenty and times of hardship. 

Now we can see that this is exactly where we are at the present time. The home planet is full and the store cupboards are hard to fill; the garden is depleted and the fuel store is looking bare. 

What happened last time we found ourselves in this situation? The world turned and another ice age began. Land was covered in ice and the living quarters were reduced. Food and fuel was short. The human population diminished and was reduced to a size the planet could sustain. 

After another 100,000 years the world turned again, according to its Nature, and the climate warmed up; the land recovered as the ice retreated, and humans lived happily in their Garden of Eden. 

What turns the Earth on her axial tilt in these long climatic cycles? The Moon-Earth gravitational relationship and the ice-water ratio.

For more, read ‘THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE MOON…’ by Wendy H Salter and John H Shaughnessy


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*Dropping-out et al

How many of us at sometime have said “I want to be free!”

How many of us want to drop-out, opt-out, find love-and-peace, get out of the matrix, live off-the-grid, be released from the grip of authoritarian control…?

What do we have to give up, be released by, get away from, to find that freedom? Are we feeling the call of the wild? Is Nature yelling at us to come back and find our roots? Or is it the voice of our soul – spirit – self  desperately calling us out of our hypno-induced amnesia to wake-up and get back on the right path? Do we have to be in remote isolation just to be what we were born to be?

During this classic philosophic discussion, the inimitable and immortal voices of four great thinkers may enlighten us to the pros and cons of ‘dropping-out’ in…


Listen to an extended conversation between Tim Leary, Alan Watts, Allen Ginsberg & Gary Snyder on the problem of whether to “drop out or take over” conducted on Alan Watts’ houseboat, the S.S. Vallejo, 50 years ago, in 1967…

*Divine Mother

The Immaculate Conception
1618-19, Diego Velázquez

 ‘immaculate‘ – ‘free from mental or moral pollution’
 ‘conception’ – ‘that which is conceived in the mind, spirit’

 The Queen of Heaven is standing on the Moon, looking down to Earth and has the 12 stars, or constellations, around her head. She lights the Heavens with wisdom, grace, purity and compassion. She is the essence of every form of the Divine Mother. Her dress and robe are fluid and subtle like the passing clouds; she is without constraint and has the power of manifesting form – she is nebulous; she is Creation’s Mother and gives birth to Galaxies.

Published in: on July 11, 2017 at 8:59 am  Leave a Comment  
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*Super Moon at Carnac, Brittany

John and I were lucky enough to have visited Carnac Stones on the evening of the Super Moon, 14th November 2016. We stood in the alignment and watched the full Moon rise in all her splendour. It was a special moment for us as we had received the first copy of our newly-published book only 2 days before. We were delighted so find that we had been surrounded by a host of mysterious ‘orbs’ as we walked around the stones in the light of the huge Moon.

“There Is Something About The Moon…” is a book we have co-authored following 3 years of research, and is now on sale both in paperback and on Kindle.


Our website for the book is www.tisatmoon.com

If you would like to contact us, drop us a line at info@tisatmoon.com

“In this book we are taking a fresh look at the Moon. We believe that the Moon holds important information that has been lost, forgotten, ignored or hidden, and needs to be retrieved.

We will take a journey back in time to our furthest, almost-forgotten history.

We all – every living being on this planet – need to know how to survive in a mutually beneficial way, especially through periods of change.”




Published in: on December 3, 2016 at 12:09 pm  Leave a Comment  

*Full Moon on Summer Solstice, 20th June 2016

Today is both a Full Moon and the Summer Solstice – talk about synchronicity and auspicious events!

Being in tune with the Moon is easy and free. Listen to Tom Evans describe how you can tune in to improve the rhythms of your life: it’s as easy as 1,2,3 and 4

Published in: on June 20, 2016 at 10:59 am  Leave a Comment  
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*The Lindisfarne Gospels

The Lindisfarne Gospels

“The Holy Island of Lindisfarne is a tidal island off the north-east coast of England. It is also known just as Holy Island. It constitutes the civil parish of Holy Island in Northumberland. Holy Island has a recorded history from the 6th century. It was an important centre of Celtic Christianity under Saints Aidan of Lindisfarne, Cuthbert, Eadfrith of Lindisfarne and Eadberht of Lindisfarne. After Viking invasions and the Norman conquest of England a priory was re-established. A small castle was built on the island in 1550”. (Wiki)

“The Lindisfarne Gospels, one of the most magnificent manuscripts of the early Middle Ages, was written and decorated at the end of the 7th century by the monk Eadfrith, who became Bishop of Lindisfarne in 698 and died in 721.

Lindisfarne Gospels 1

Lindisfarne Gospels 1

“Its original leather binding, long since lost, was made by Ethelwald, who succeeded Eadfrith as bishop, and was decorated with jewels and precious metals later in the 8th century by Billfrith the Anchorite.

British Library Board

British Library Board

“The Latin text of the Gospels is translated word by word in an Old English gloss, the earliest surviving example of the Gospel text in any form of the English language, it was added between the lines in the mid 10th century by Aldred, Provost of Chester-le-Street.

Lindisfarne Gospels 2

Lindisfarne Gospels illustrated letter

“Today the manuscript is once again bound in silver and jewels, in covers made in 1852 at the expense of Edward Maltby, Bishop of Durham. The design is based on motifs drawn from the decoration of the manuscript itself.”

Lindisfarne Gospels-2

Lindisfarne Gospels detail

British Library Virtual Books

“Women write her-story, men write his-story”

Published in: on February 16, 2016 at 3:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

*Finland: Berry Healthy and Hearty


Finland is so far north normal arable farming is not possible and diets dependent on reindeer have prevailed, but in a study in 1972 the people were found to be suffering malnutrition. Turning their attention to indigenous berries and finding ways to produce them in greater quantities improved their nutritional health greatly, making these northerly Fins the most healthy now in Scandinavia.

Examples: bog bilberry, lingonberry, crowberry, cloudberry, sea buckthorn, arctic raspberry, cranberry.

berry3 berry4 berry5 berry6 berry7 berry8


See the link below for all the nutritional benefits of these berries.


Published in: on February 15, 2016 at 8:41 pm  Leave a Comment  
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*History of the Passport


A brief history of the passport, from a royal letter to a microchip

 by Leo Benedictus for The Guardian, Friday 17 November 2006 

In the month of Nisan in the 20th year of the ancient Persian king Artaxerxes (around 450BC in new money), the prophet, who was working as a royal cup-bearer, is granted letters from the king requesting the governors of the lands beyond the Euphrates to grant him safe passage to Judah. The purpose of Nehemiah’s visit, incidentally, was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

In Britain, the earliest surviving reference to a “safe conduct” document appears during the reign of Henry V, in an Act of Parliament dated 1414. At that time, documents like these could be issued by the king to anyone, whether they were English or not. Foreign nationals even got theirs free of charge, while English subjects had to pay. Needless to say, the monarch did not – and still does not – need a safe conduct document.

From 1540, the granting of travelling papers became the business of the Privy Council. By this point the term “passport” was being used, although whether it originated with the idea of people passing through maritime ports or through the gates in city walls (“portes” in French) remains a matter for debate. A passport from this period, issued on June 18 1641 and signed by Charles I, still exists. From 1794, the office of the secretary of state took control of issuing passports, a function that the Home Office retains today. Records remain of every British passport granted from this time, although they continued to be available to foreign nationals and were written in French until 1858, when the passport first acquired its role as a British identity document. Nevertheless, passports were not generally required for international travel until the first world war.

It was in the early 20th century that passports as we would recognise them today began to be used. The first modern British passport, the product of the British Nationality and Status Aliens Act 1914, consisted of a single page, folded into eight and held together with a cardboard cover. It was valid for two years and, as well as a photograph and signature, featured a personal description, including details such as “shape of face”, “complexion” and “features”. The entry on this last category might read something like: “Forehead: broad. Nose: large. Eyes: small.” Remarkably, some travellers claimed to find this dehumanising. Following an agreement among the League of Nations to standardise passports, the famous “old blue” was issued in 1920. Apart from a few adjustments to its duration and security features, the old blue remained a steady symbol of the touring Briton until it gradually began to be replaced by the burgundy-coloured European version in 1988.

The passports of other countries are, on the whole, remarkably similar to Britain’s, although some do have their quirks. The new Nicaraguan passport, for instance, boasts 89 separate security features, including “bidimensional barcodes”, holograms and watermarks, and is reputed to be one of the least forgeable documents in the world. The Israeli passport, through no flaw in its design, must be one of the most useless, as it is not accepted by 23 different Muslim countries, nor by Cuba or North Korea. The Vatican, incidentally, has no immigration controls, but it does issue passports. The Pope, among his other honours, always carries “Passport No 1”.

The passports of the future will feature embedded microchips and biometric data, such as photographs, fingerprints and iris patterns. Malaysia was the first country to introduce this technology, and Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Sweden, the UK, the US, Germany, the Republic of Ireland and Poland, among others, have recently followed.

Published in: on January 22, 2016 at 7:29 pm  Comments (1)  
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*Lunar Calendar

aaaaaaNature’s 8 points of celebration through the year were re-dated according to the Roman calendar, which ignores the fine tuning of Sun, Moon and Earth in synchronisation with each other.

The constantly shifting phases of the moon do not easily fit into a 12-month Gregorian calendar and a 12-month solar year. The 13-month Lunar year is still practised in many cultures around the world for good reason – it synchronises the bio-rhythms of our planet and all the creatures that live instinctively with it.

The loss of this essential wisdom has had a detrimental effect on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health of our human family but we can easily reclaim it just by observing it. When our minds are aware of these cycles, the body rhythms follow automatically.

As an example, in 2015 the winter solstice was traditionally on the 21st of December, with 3 days when the sun ‘stands still’. With the sun at its lowest point on the shortest days we can look to the full moon to light the darkness. A rare full moon in Cancer on 25th December, Christmas Day, was a welcome Light, and so this would be the Lunar Solstice.  

8-Point Lunar Year 2016

  1. Imbolc is the real start of Spring, so the new moon in Aquarius starts the lunar light on 8th February
  2. Vernal Equinox, equal half day and half night, equates with the waxing half-moon in Gemini on 15th March
  3. Beltane fires look best on a dark night. The dark earth is where the seed sleeps until germination, and the dark womb is where conception takes place, so no-moon keeps things in the dark in Taurus on 6th May
  4. Summer solstice This year, both the Full Moon and Sun take centre stage at the pinnacle of the year
  5. Lammas sees late summer fruits swelling with goodness, and healthful days for the pregnant mother, with the waxing half-moon in Virgo on 10th August
  6. Autumn equinox equal half days and half nights again as summer falls away, but has provided a full harvest, a full womb, and a waning half-moon on 23rd September
  7. Samhain, All-Haloed-Souls’ Eve with prayers for the incoming and outgoing souls, a mass of candles to light their way and a no-moon in Scorpio on 30th October
  8. Winter solstice is the end of the road as the sun dips down to its lowest point, 3days of darkness as it stands still. We give gratitude for the year and our expectations give birth to the new sun, the new-born, the new life to come, with the new moon in Capricorn on 29th Dec

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Published in: on December 30, 2015 at 7:32 pm  Leave a Comment  
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*Doe, A Deer, A Female Deer: The Spirit of Mother Christmas

Solstice and Yule-tide Blessings to all


I am sharing  Doe, A Deer, A Female Deer: The Spirit of Mother Christmas (click to visit)

a lovely insight to the background of the Yule female reindeer from gathervictoria.com

deer.doe2For more information on Santa’s red hat, please refer to my post ‘The Phrygian Cap‘ on this blog.

Published in: on December 8, 2015 at 11:09 am  Comments (1)  

*A Synchrotron

A Synchrotron – or Particle Accelerator – in the UK

After following my proverbial nose all the way from the old Greenwich Observatory in London, through its various moves around the country since 1674, I find one of its offshoots at Harwell, near Devizes in Wiltshire. The UK’s ‘Diamond’ Synchrotron is a particle accelerator for the latest advances in nano-technology.

This scientific centre is an interesting neighbour to the ancient stone circle at Avebury, which leads me to wonder if a stone circle is also a ‘particle’, or ‘energy’, accelerator’?
I would expect scientists today to scoff at this idea, and yet once the idea that our ancestors were highly intelligent is accepted, the possibility seems less absurd. During the megalithic age many stone structures were erected world-wide leaving modern man to wonder why, but as an investigator of these ancients sites for more than two decades, I am convinced that their builders knew exactly how they worked and how they benefited humankind.
However, there is one difference that comes to mind:  whereas the particle accelerators today (LHC at CERN) seek to split atoms into sub-atomic particles, and then split those sub-atomic particles into nano-particles to release hitherto unknown energy forms like neutrinos, mini black holes, dark matter or dark energy, there is no present evidence to show that the stone circles destroyed the energy particles they were accelerating.
These megalithic sites stand derelict and unused today, and a sceptic may add that the occupants must have eliminated themselves, in which case our scientists need to proceed with caution. Interested parties have no agreement on the age of the stone circles and why they stand alone, other than the cause “must have been a global cataclysm”. Perhaps this could be open to further investigation.
Campus aerial view

Image 1: The ‘Diamond’ Synchrotron at Harwell A.E.A, Wiltshire, UK



Image 2: Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire, UK
Published in: on November 10, 2015 at 2:58 pm  Comments (5)  
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*Outer Space v. Interstellar

Outer Space v. Interstellar

worlds 3

If you watch the documentary below, ask yourself how you know if any of the ‘science’ presented, including anecdotes of ‘space’ travel, is real – provably real. It occurs to me that most, if not all, of the images that we are given of space may be CGIs. The woman astronaut says she has travelled to space several times – which part of space, I ask – far space or near space?

I question that any Earth living being has been further than our upper atmosphere, through or beyond our electro-magnetic shield (Van Allan Belts). I believe that in the early attempts to leave Earth they sent animals there and learned that it was not possible. Did they show us a living healthy animal that had been… and returned?

Being conscious, aware, and the ultimate observer, must make us question information received. If our wonderful space technology can give us ‘photos’ of far-off galaxies, why can’t it give us sensible, detailed photos of our moon, including the rear-side? It is not a negative thing to be sceptical, it is a way to separate the truth from an illusion. This documentary states that it is about the ‘science’ behind the making of a film – it is the information used, apparently, to give us the impression that the film may be a real possibility. It may be. I really enjoyed the film and the subject, that is not in question here. I question the ‘science’. 

I have always believed in other worlds, other life-forms, other non-Earth beings and other dimensions of reality. And I believe that our Earth bodies are created from the Earth for Earth life. There is another way to travel and that requires mastering the mind, especially the Higher Mind, the spirit-mind. There is, I believe, another aspect to the human being  that is non-Earth-physicality…


Making Of Interstellar – Behind The Scenes (Narrated By Matthew McConaughty)

“The Science of ‘Interstellar’ – Making Of InterStellar – Behind The Scenes.. Matthew McConaughey narrates this behind-the-scenes look at the epic voyage to deep space depicted in the movie Interstellar. Director Christopher Nolan worked with top physicists to create a realistic trip to distant solar systems.”