*Dropping-out et al

How many of us at sometime have said “I want to be free!”

How many of us want to drop-out, opt-out, find love-and-peace, get out of the matrix, live off-the-grid, be released from the grip of authoritarian control…?

What do we have to give up, be released by, get away from, to find that freedom? Are we feeling the call of the wild? Is Nature yelling at us to come back and find our roots? Or is it the voice of our soul – spirit – self  desperately calling us out of our hypno-induced amnesia to wake-up and get back on the right path? Do we have to be in remote isolation just to be what we were born to be?

During this classic philosophic discussion, the inimitable and immortal voices of four great thinkers may enlighten us to the pros and cons of ‘dropping-out’ in…


Listen to an extended conversation between Tim Leary, Alan Watts, Allen Ginsberg & Gary Snyder on the problem of whether to “drop out or take over” conducted on Alan Watts’ houseboat, the S.S. Vallejo, 50 years ago, in 1967…