*Esprit Arabesque

The heart of the three religions that were birthed in the Middle East beats under a golden dome in Jerusalem

-The Dome of the Rock.

Beneath the metal mask of politics and military conflict lies the face of a people whose grass-roots culture and ancestry is rich in colour and warmth; it belies the differences across borders and conceals a uniting belief – that the land belongs to the people; the common life-force pulsing through their veins is rarely seen or understood by a western population who, in general, are too afraid to visit this land and learn the heart-beat of these people for themselves.

Dabka Dal’ouna

Dabke (Arabic: دبكة; also transliterated dabka, and dabkeh) is the most popular Arab folk dance in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. It is also danced in parts of Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. A line dance, it is widely performed at weddings and joyous occasions. In this dance, many different national folk dance styles can be seen – Spanish, Russian, Irish, to name a few. Commonly these days, people in the west have an image of Arabs as veiled repressed women and men who don’t appreciate them; men who are hard and serious. Yet in this dance we see women and men dressed in traditional costume, and smiling, and as in many folk dances, it is a dance of love.


جنة الله على الارض عندنا
The Jannah (Heaven) of Allah (God) on earth is in our land
مية وشجر والارض حنا
Water, trees and the land is Henna
عيسى وموسى وباقي الانبياء عندنا
Jesus, Moses and the rest of the prophets are in our land

واللي عرج على السماء
And the one who ascended to sky
صخرتوا يا با عندنا
His rock is in our land

وعلى دلعونة وعلى دلعونة
الهوى الشمالى غير اللون
Ala dal’ouna Ala da’louna
the northern wind changed the colors

يا طير الطاير سلم عليهم
طالت الغربة واشتاقنا ليهم
Oh flying bird, pass my salute to them
The desolation took long time, and we missed them
راحوا من ايدينا ورحنا من ايديهم
They went away from our hands (away from us),
and we went away from their hands (away from them)
يا با خايف على طول الجفى ينسونا
Oh, I’m afraid that they may forget us because of disaffection

يا اللي سافرتوا على بلاد بعيدة
قلبي معاكم مش طالع بايدي
Hey! you who travelled to distant countries
My heart is with you, I can’t help it
باطلب من الله العلي المعبود
I ask Allah (God) the High, the worshiped…
نتهنى بشوفتكم في فلسطين
that we get please to see you
In Palestine

وين؟ عا رام الله
Where are you going? To Ramallah
يا با وين؟ عا رام الله
Where are you going? To Ramallah
ولفي يا مسافر… وين؟
My darling (love) who’s travelling where are you…
عا رام الله
to Ramallah
ما تخاف من الله؟
طولت الغيبة
You don’t fear Allah?
You took long time away (from your home)
وين؟ عا رام الله
where are you going? To Ramallah
راجع عبلادي
I’ll be back to my land
راجع ع بلادي ون طالت الغيبة
Even if  I took long time away, I will eventually be back to my land
راجع عبلادي
I’ll be back to my land
انا وولاد ي واولاد اولادي
Me and my children
And the children of my children
راجع عبلادي
Are coming back to our home


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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, recently though it has turned around. What do you think?

    • Yes, I do…
      I cannot decide whether, in your opinion, ‘this stuff’ is a good thing…
      The internet is a growing collective consciousness – full of anything from the very worst to the very best.
      What do you think?

  2. your site ranks high on yahoo and i must say your consistent writing style deserves your blog to be such high in rankings.i relished your writing style.keep it up.

    • Thank you so much 🙂 you are very kind. I like to offer somethings that are different and thought-provoking. I believe that the mind is our greatest asset – we don’t have to all think the same, but to have an investigating mind is a great adventure.

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