
2012 is going to happen in 3 years  :-z

What is going to happen? :-0

What are your fears and dreams of the future?  :-((     :-))

Here are a few prophets and signs to explore, in no particular order of importance, relevance, or truth :>)

Nostradamus; Edgar Cayce; Sybil, the oracle of Delphi; Merlin, Celtic wizard; Mother Shipton, Yorkshire seer; John the Divine of Paphos, Revelations, the Christian Bible; Black Elk, Sioux visionary; Saint Birgitta; Mayan Calendar; Wiki, on the Apocolypse; Geoff Stray, ‘The End of the World as You Know It’; St. Malachy; Hopi Prophecies; I-Ching, Chinese Oracle; the Koran; Einstein, the polar shift; NASA, Sun-Spot activity and Planet X or Nibiru, the brown planet; Kuthumi, Ascended Master; Web Bot, the World Wide Web; Jeremiah, the Prophet; the Torah; crop circles (Apologies to anyone I have left out.)

Collectively they have predicted the following [not me] :~((

An Apocalypse of the planet and humanity by… a Galactic Alignment?; the arrival of a comet which will implode the Earth?; a mysterious planet coming close which will pull us out of our orbit?; a polar shift?; a tilt of the Earth’s axis?; moving into a Photon Belt?; a Harmonic Convergence?; and a shift in human consciousness?…

which may cause?…possibly…a complete breakdown of electrical systems, telecommunications and social order; massive weather changes including floods, droughts and high winds; earth disruptions including quakes, eruptions and tsunami; boiling seas, melting ice-caps; terrible wars; disease in epidemics and plagues; persecution of any religious believer; separation through fear and hatred; solar storms and red skies; two moons or two suns; famine, human suffering; nuclear threats; terror attacks, both small and large scale, etc. (Apologies if I have forgotten something)

So what’s new, you may ask  :-(?)

Have all the prophecies not been coming true for decades, centuries even? Is it all doom and gloom or is there light at the end of the tunnel?  :-)(

The general theory is that at this particular time, all these upheavals will be intensified  and be the direct result of a rare and catastrophic, or miraculous event. And there you have it. Anyone interested in this subject will fall into one of three categories:

  1. one of positivity that this is where those who have been enlightened will ascend and be saved :~))
  2. one of negativity in the belief that this is the end of the world }:<((
  3. one of confusion }:~s

BUT – if all the above is predicting a period of re-alignment in our galaxy, passing through a belt of Light and regeneration, we can expect upheavals BUT in a way that could bring enlightenment; a falling away of what is disused, decaying and dead; a chance to begin again, start afresh as the phoenix rises from the ashes; to build a new life in a new way, with an understanding of the Law of Creation, in peace, love and harmony.

Immediately after reading that, I hope that you will be thinking that you, your loved ones and the Earth are those who are in with a chance of survival, on any level.

If – the ‘Event‘ predicted for 2012 is going to throw the world into chaos,

how you think, and act, from what you believe will make all the difference ~:-|

Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, it will be down to you to behave in the best way possible. As in any severe condition, those who already have a strong survival instinct, and skills to match, will have a distinct advantage. It may not be about having more money, property, position, power and material things, but more about having more flexibility, ability to be adaptable, inventiveness, intuition, willingness to act or work for what you need and do without that which is not important. It may be a time to re-evaluate our lives, singly, and collectively, and think more carefully about the future.

Whether the chaos predicted is social, political, financial, health-related, climatic, geological, global, galactic, or spiritual, your preparation needs to be in self-reliance, self-responsibility and self-sufficiency. A well-trained mind that can focus and think clearly, an ability to stay calm and be fearless and a willingness to work well and help each other, will bring good results. For many people, their spiritual well-being is paramount.

I recommend that you continue your good practices, increase your skills or at least get started :~)

Looking back over what we know from history, it is easy to see that this is not the first time we have experienced a major cataclysm. We cannot stop changes, big or small, because it is within Nature – in cyclic changes – that evolution happens.

Resistance, denial and fear are the elements that cause pain and suffering. Acceptance, understanding and trust are the elements that generate the creative process.

May your God be with you, in Peace, Love and Light.

Wendy Salter

[original writing. Information quoted not necessarily parallel with my reality]

Links to interesting info:-

*Talking of Peace, saunter over to Peace One day on

*For any science-literate types, study Global Warming and Nuclear Hazards by Peter Fong at http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0sI11HYlJzcC and click on preview, or buy it. It is a good counter argument for environmental myths.

*For the spiritually convinced, astral travel to http://www.thelightweaver.org/ (channelings)

*For an astronomical approach aim your telescope at The Daily Galaxy, especially http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2007/07/the-milky-way-c.html and http://www.dailygalaxy.com/myweblog/2008/11/the-vanishing-s.html (sunspots)

Let me know if you find anything else interesting and email me at

wendy@wendysalter.com Cheers!

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. very good post…i believe having faith is key. Without faith, no one can be saved. We need to realize that there is a God, the creator. What have we done to listen to God and respect his will on Earth? The material world we created will collapse. Only those who had a spiritual base will survive the ‘end of the material world’.

  2. Nigel says:
    It all seems complicated to me, and I choose not to invest time on such things, but that is me…
    The European Union does say that we should each have four weeks holiday, one “month” in the 13 month year.
    It seems absurd but I suppose men wrote our calendar and women had little or no say. Originally the Roman calendar had only 10 months, December being the 10th of course and there was uproar when February at 29 days and one day was taken away on years three and four.

  3. This is a useful utility – a Gregorian to Long Count Converter – you can have a bit of fun working out your birthday and when is going to happen – http://users.hartwick.edu/hartleyc/mayacalendar/mayacalendar.html

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